Incorrect ARIA attribute value

Compliance Data & User Impact

User Impact: Major

60% Complete

Disabilities Affected:

  • blindness
  • deafblindness
  • vision impairments

WCAG Version:

WCAG Levels:

  • A

WCAG Guidelines:

Solution Techniques:

Automated Test Accuracy:

Check1st Severity:

DRRSAG Designations:

  • description
  • relationship
  • state

How to Fix the Problem

Use the WAI-ARIA state and property attributes according to the WAI-ARIA specification.

The Algorithm, in Simple Terms

the engine checks WAI-ARIA state and property attributes for correct values, according to the specification.

Why Is it Important?

WAI-ARIA state and property attributes are used to expose the state, properties and values of a user interface component so that they can be read and set by assistive technology, and so that assistive technology is notified of changes to these values. They enable users to understand how to interact with components.