The element is suspected to perform as an unordered list

Compliance Data & User Impact

User Impact: Blocker

80% Complete

Disabilities Affected:

  • blindness
  • deafblindness

WCAG Version:

WCAG Levels:

  • A

WCAG Guidelines:

Solution Techniques:

Automated Test Accuracy:

uTester Severity:

DRRSAG Designations:

  • role

How to Fix the Problem

Create lists of related items using list elements appropriate for their purposes. The <ol> element is used when the list is ordered and the <ul> element is used when the list is unordered. Definition lists (<dl>) are used to group terms with their definitions. List items use <li> elements. Alternatively you may use WAI-ARIA roles and attributes for rendering the list properly

The Algorithm, in Simple Terms

Engine scans for special characters used repeatedly at the beginning of a string inside a section element like <p>, <div> etc.

Why Is it Important?

When markup is used that visually formats items as a list but does not indicate the list relationship, users may have difficulty in navigating the information.

Code Example



Ignore this issue if this element is part of a list of similar elements or a container of a list such as: select, autocomplete field widget, the table inside a date picker widget, a tab in a tab control widget).

This element perfoms as a container, and has no functionality. This container may contain another elements that has functionality or logical role.

Ignore this issue if this element has an alternative that performs the same and overrides the content of this element.

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