Element uses an incorrect xml:lang attribute

Compliance Data & User Impact

User Impact: Low

20% Complete

Disabilities Affected:

  • blindness
  • deafblindness

WCAG Version:

WCAG Levels:

  • AA

WCAG Guidelines:

Solution Techniques:

Automated Test Accuracy:

Check1st Severity:

DRRSAG Designations:

  • general

How to Fix the Problem

Identify any changes in language on a page by using a correct value in the lang or xml:lang attribute, as appropriate for the HTML or XHTML version you use. HTML uses the lang attribute on elements. XHTML 1.0 allows both lang and xml:lang attributes, and XHTML 1.1 and above allows only xml:lang.

The Algorithm, in Simple Terms

Engine scans elements for empty or invalid xml-lang attributes

Why Is it Important?

Identifying changes in language is important for a number of reasons:
It allows braille translation software to follow changes in language.
Speech synthesizers that support multiple languages will be able to speak the text in the appropriate accent with proper pronunciation. If changes are not marked, the synthesizer will try its best to speak the words in the default language it works in. Thus, the French word for car, “voiture” would be pronounced “voyture” by a speech synthesizer that uses English as its default language.

Code Example

<blockquote xml:lang="en">